Friday, April 6, 2007


Holding Hands with God and the Devil
This is one of my favorite paintings I did last year and I believe it's still in Coda Gallery in NYC.
On one side she has Poison Hemlock and on the other, the Madonna Lily. I got the idea from a book I read by Jeantte Winterson called The Passion. It's one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. Winterson is an contemporary English writer. I've read every book of hers that I could find. My next favorite is Powerbook. It took me a long time to finish it because I ripped out the last section of the book were she gets on the train and....I won't say any more. I wrote to her and she wrote back...! The passage that I marked and stuck with me said something about walking across a bridge, holding hands with God and the Devil and if she let go of either she would fall. I used the petals, like if she were a queen or maybe about fame. I'm not sure what those wonder woman wristbands are all about. I might need to get this painting back and keep it.
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