Thursday, July 29, 2010

Paintings I'll be bringing to Heritage Gallery in Cannon Beach, Oregon next week.

The Artist's Garden
This painting is a self-portrait of sorts. I was thinking about the contentment I feel in my studio. It's a safe little womb where I'm free to contemplate and create. In the studio, the rest of life seems a little removed, thus her lovely little house painted in the background. The red immediately surrounding her is warm and passionate. I wrote about grapevines being a personal symbol of my family somewhere, way back on this blog. I like the way she gently holds her paint brushes.
The word 'paladin' means any worthy defender or advocate of a worthy cause. My kittens are the most worthy cause I can think of. Like mothers everywhere, I will fight to protect them in any way I can think of. The figure is struggling to hold on to those three butterflies (another personal symbol representing my three little girls) while the cat watches, waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
Mother's Love
The mother holds her heart as a shield to blanket and protect her child with love. The child wears the horns of a bull which symbolises, like in several of my recent paintings, a challenge. Oh and aren't they that!
Quietly She Sang
I wrote about the idea of a woman's gentle song just a few blog posts back. I think it's a beautiful idea.

These paintings will be shown at Heritage Gallery starting Monday, August 2. I'll be in the gallery Aug. 2-5. If you come to the gallery while I'm there, tell me! I have little treasures to give away.
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Anne said...

all beautiful. i love the image of a child with bull horns. that really resonates with me...the love and challenge of motherhood is quite intense.

Katie O’Keefe said...

I love your new paintings, Cassandra! I especially love "A Mother's Heart". Yes, they are quite the challenge. :)

Cassandra Barney said...

Anne nd Katie- QUITE INTENSE and A CHALLENGE helps to paint it out.
If it was easy it would be boring and unfulfilling, right?
I do love it, that's for sure.
Thanks for you comments.

rbwmail said...

These paintings are a lot of fun. Loved your video on! We LDS artists are representin' now! :)

Laura A said...

I'm so sorry to have missed you in Cannon Beach. I hope you had a lovely show. Your paintings are wonderful. I too like the sentiment of the difficulty of mothering.

Anonymous said...

I love them! Every single one! I am really drawn to the colors you have used. (The green jacket! ) How did your show go?

Laura Lofgreen said...

My goodness. These are beautiful. I came over from Angela Henrie's blog. You can visit me at I'd love to feature you sometime.


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