Friday, July 11, 2008

I've seen fabulous recipes and photos of food on blogs and I thought I should share a little baking tip. If you are interested in creating an oozing, goopy look to a birthday cake, just use squirt whip cream on the cake shortly after it comes out of the oven. I'm sure I didn't invent this technique but I think I've nearly perfected it. Another thing, if you want to draw attention from the fancy sides of the cake to the top, fill the top with lots of sparkle sugar and pink flamingos. It's sure to be a party pleaser.
If you are interested in ordering one of my flamingo sparkle cakes, order now and get your name on the waiting list.
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Katie O’Keefe said...

I am loving the flamingos. But, can you ship it to Ohio and have it arrive just like that? I'll bet it tasted good, no matter how it looks.

I just love your cooking tips, Cass.

batty said...

Oh my gosh! I want, I want. Yummy. Awesome way to use your little flamingos!

pamela said...

in all seriousness, my little girl would think it was a dream come true if she had this cake.

chiggyz said...

I love that cake. Elena calls it a Cinderella cake.


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