Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This is my little deer collection. They are so cute. I love little plastic animals.

The later it got, the more creative my pins became. I won't be selling these but T. Vistaunet is making some to sell at this year's Utah craft shows. You saw it here first but all credit goes to her. If anybody needs info on where to purchase, let me know. They are sure to be lovely creations.

As for me, I'd like to share. Write to me if you'd like the pin in the photo below. I just love the black swan. I spray painted it up nice and lovely.

How about I'll pick and number between one and one hundred and tomorrow evening I'll announce the winner.

Okay, got my number.

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Unknown said...

I want, I want, I want, I want!!!

Please save some plastic animalia and evil eyes for my crafting pleasure. I'll be there soon!

Laura Mayer said...

oh my oh my i want a black swan pin soooooo bad. I pick number 86.
Pick me, pick me.....oh by the way my first pea is up as well as a little potato peeking up its head. I'm gonnna have crops soon. Still need to plant my five kinds of pumpkins and four different squash..a little behind but oh well they are a fall crop, right? what do a few late days matter. You should post a how to video on your pin making. Pick me, please....

Katie O’Keefe said...

These are so cool! I love the evil eye collection. Pretty, yet eerie.
I've never made pins before, but I am gonzo over making earrings. My family and I have a jewelry making extravaganza every now and then. It's so much fun to see what everyone comes up with!

How 'bout 77...

GrittyPretty said...

Is it the number 7?

batty said...

Love the swan. You are so cute and silly. I love the flower disease.
Thought about your garden today - any new shoots with the warm weather? Peanuts?!

Carrie said...

Is it too late? I guess 29.

Cassandra Barney said...

My number actually was 7. You read my mind Queliscious. Come over.

GrittyPretty said...

thanks cass. i'm so lucky.

chiggyz said...

I choose the number 17--but it may be too late. I love the pins.

Laura A said...

Well, I'm late to the party, but my guess was going to be 37. So, there's something up with 7's, huh?


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