Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oh I enjoyed this activity and I did a very good job. The linen is tight and...

it's a little daunting. It's so perfect, sitting on the easel looking all sexy. I don't really want to draw on it. Sigh...maybe today I'll just look at it.

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I Am said...

You'e so funny! There is something decidedly sexy about freshly stretched, virgin linen.....so many possiblities....just take it slow baby!

Cassandra Barney said...

giggle...so true. I won't be able to video this process...not suitable for all audiences.

Deanna said...

Okay, keep it clean people! hee hee This is probably a dumb question, but consider it's from an art-retarded person--me--how often do you do this kind of stretching of the linen? Do you have to do it for every painting? (p.s. check out my comment on your comment on my blog and see if that's a better suggestion)

Katie O’Keefe said...

I love it! You're a riot! Truly there is nothing sexier than a job well done (or at least well begun).

Cassandra Barney said...

Deanna- Not a dumb question at all. This desert girl paints on panel usually. I only stretch canvas once about every four or five years. It's more work and real linen is pricey. I like the smooth surface of the panel usually.
With this project, some of the raw linen will be left showing. I'm still gently caressing it instead of painting it. Sigh.
PS when shall we vacation at said location?

Anonymous said...

awesome colour canvas! and i love your big turquoise rings :)


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