Today is the one year anniversary of this blog. (Thank you Nicholas for reminding me!)
My original intention for this blog was simply to document my thoughts regarding my artwork and the artwork itself. I have found value in recording those thoughts before my perceptions change. I have also found value in writing my thoughts regarding life in general before those thoughts are forgotten. Writing, like painting is a good tool for assessing and understanding. Why I feel the need to make my thoughts public instead of just writing it down in a journal is a bit more perplexing. I like to share?!
A lot has changed in my life in the last year...a lot. I've made a big leap in my personal evolution. I think I've had more epiphanies this year than all my other years put together...like a bucket full. The one thing that hasn't changed is my churning and burning. My ideas still burn like fire inside of me, keeping me warm, and painting is how I release that fire.
I can't believe it's already been a year!! Wow, Cass. What a ride. And I've loved "hearing" your velvety voice in all your words. Your ideas keep us all warm.
I'd like to offer a formal apology to my mother who called today and said, "Cassandra, I dont want to see boobs on your blog." To which I replied, "at least they look like real boobs and not implants."
This of course sparked a converstation about breasts and how beautiful real bodies are.
Back to my sincere apology, "sorry mom."
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