Sunday, July 8, 2007


I know most parents believe that their kids are brilliant, but really...I do think mine are. As I'm sorting out my house, getting things ready to be packed, I keep finding the most wonderful art works...everywhere. The drawings above are done by a five year old. So much detail. Every part has a story and is intentional. On the drawing she did of me, she said, "you know you have those lines and moles on your face, mom". She had to ask me to sit up straight many times. I like the pirate hat. Her favorite part were the necklaces. On the bee she named all of the parts for me including the pollen baskets around the feet. I like that the honey is dripping. I want to paint that too.
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Laura A said...

Are you moving? Are you staying in Vancouver?

The art is great! I love young artists.

Veronica, my 6 year old, woke up on the 4th and decided we needed a flag up, so she drew one and taped it to the door. After looking at it, awhile, she decided it wasn't enough and made a second.

We still have two 8 1/2 x 11 flags on our front door, and they're precious.

You can see one of them here if you'd like.

Scroll down to the 4th.

Cassandra Barney said...

Laura- Checked out your blog. Cool stuff. Your creations are amazing. It was fun to peek into your life. I'm in Vancouver for a couple more weeks. I don't wnat to leave now that it's so warm and beautiful. We walked to the beach today, then caught a bus to get chinese food. I like my life here, feels like we have more freedom. Alright...back to packing! You're in Seattle? Ever come up this way?

Laura A said...

No, I never get up to Canada, but I suppose I could :-).

Where are you moving to?

Cassandra Barney said...

We're moving to Utah which is where I'm from. My handsome companion will be teaching at BYU this fall.
You should visit this place, especially while it's not raining.

When I said we have freedom here, I was referring to not having to drive a car, having few obligations and having anonymity...a subject to blog about for sure.


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