Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mummification? It suddenly seemed wrong to invade this beautiful, tiny thing. It wasn't mine. The kittens were watching it from the porch when it took it's fatal turn. Hummingbirds are one of our favorites.
We didn't bury it either. That seemed wrong too. It was so pretty and so close to life, stopped en route. We tried an alternative that is somewhere in between. I'll post about that next spring.
I really want to draw it and I wanted to share it with Kate so she can write about it. Maybe what is intriguing to me about mummification is a power I already have, to immortalise. Dan said that to him the the story is what is intriguing. Where was it going with a blade of stiff grass still in it's beak? Hmmm...

Painting is possessed of divine power, for not only does it make the absent present, but also makes the dead almost alive.
Leon Battista Alberti
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Kate Horowitz said...

It's a start!

Cassandra Barney said...

Kate- I'm doing a drawing to post with your poem. I can't wait to start working together again. Counting the days!


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