Monday, May 18, 2009

About five years ago, I had a little situation with a cougar/rock that resulted in me sliding down a mountain on my knees. Ever since then, my knees hurt walking down stairs, sitting in a movie or on a plane and if I run or jump. I've avoided seeing a doctor because I haven't had a time slot available to recover from surgery. I'll take the pain. That was until a few days ago when I woke up and couldn't walk. Not walking is the same as recovering so I tracked down my injury consultant Uncle Lou and got the name of a doctor to call.
I felt a little awkward in the waiting room. Nobody told me that I was supposed to wear a tracksuit to my appointment. Where does one buy a tracksuit? I've got to pick one up.
The good news was that after goofing around with my knees, he suggested I try rigorous physical therapy first. I wanted to jump up and down but I couldn't because my knees hurt.
I was in the PT's office a day later. I expected some physical therapy-like activities, maybe lifting weights or pulling on some big rubber bands. I didn't do any of those things. After my consultation, someone pasted these little wires to my thighs and then proceeded to shock me. I was wrapped in a warm blanket, the lights turned off and...shocked. Yes indeed, enough electric volts to make my legs jump and shake like a cartoon. The PT seems competent but I don't get why electrocuting me helps. The next phase was fancy ultra-sound rays and goo on one knee while the other leg got a massage. It really wasn't what I expected. I have homework for which I had to borrow Dan Barney's rolling pin.
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Katie O’Keefe said...

I had a similar injury about 10 years ago and it sounds like a very similar treatment. Give it some time and see where it leads. Mine moved to exercise fairly quickly. First, they had to un-knot all the muscles around my knees so I *could* exercise!

Mark Robison said...

was this picture taken on highway 6 close to soldier summit/schofield reservoir? looks familiar.

Laura A said...

Oooh, yuck. I'm sorry. I haven't been electrocuted by a PT, but I've had the goo and warm ultrasound massages. It helped my tennis elbows.

I don't know if this will help at all, but glucosamine has helped my knees a lot, and has saved my mom's knees from driving her batty with pain. It enables my gardening neighbor to garden with a troublesome back. Just a thought.

cathyg said...

Ouch! Very funny post, though! Have you found your track suit? Get better and we will ride the big wheels to keep in shape!

Cassandra Barney said...

Okay, okay...I forgot to say that I'm not in pain. I just can't jump off the swingset in a witch costume or anything like that. Riding Big Wheels might be alright. I'll spin out a few times tomorrow and see.

the photo was taken somewhere between Helper and Spanish Fork... a few months ago.

Mari said...

Is there any swelling in your knees?


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