Tuesday, April 3, 2007



Idea in progress: I've been thinking more about beauty, about why it is different than pretty. Someone might have a pretty face, for instance, but not be beautiful. I'm still thinking that the best way to sum up a person's beauty is to look into that person's eyes. If the eyes are the windows of the soul, no wonder it sometimes seems a little voyeuristic. Possibly the eyes are an accumulation or outward manifestation of what one is inside. Sometimes that's scary because maybe it's not always good to see what's inside of a person, and sometimes it's beautiful. It's also interesting to communicate via internet because you can't see the eyes of the person to whom you are exchanging thoughts and ideas and in that process so much is lost. Words only mean so much. So if one ever has something important to say, it should be face to face because words can lie but eyes, can they?

In the Dalai Lama's ten timeless lessons #2 is... when you lose, don't lose the lesson. Maybe beauty comes from not only our ability to love but also the way we accept and embrace our life experiences. It's not a tally of good and bad actions but what we learn from all of our actions. Beauty might be in the way the person graciously accepts his/her life experiences and learns from them. Gracious is a quality that I've never considered ascertaining to but as I chalk up a heavy load of experiences, I think graciousness is a virtue I'd like to grow into.

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