Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cul-de-Sac of Fire

Everything was in place by 6:oo. We don't do any sort of dress rehearsal, that's part of the fun. It's exciting, anticipating what's going to happen.
It looked like an important event with lots of people's chairs saving places.
Our neighbor, Niel Peterson, who provides the fantastic sound system and runs the audio during the show every year, invited his band to play for a couple of wonderful hours. It was the kind of music that made you feel good. It was jazzy and the Australian singer was fantastic. People danced and mingled.
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1 comment:

i'm jefra... said...

we thought about you guys this year - we considered dropping in for C.O.F. - we ended up spending our fourth a free bounce house and hotdog fest thrown by a mexican pawn shop. it was patriotic in it's own way...


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